Apparently I'll never grow out of the feeling of being on Christmas break from school. My mind thinks that I don't have to do anything productive while the kids are still off school. And I don't even mean mine- I mean the kids that go to the highschool across the street!
I'll get back to answering messages & sewing soon... I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We had a good time & it was so much fun to watch Roman open his presents. Max, well, he wasn't too excited. :P Next year!
Free shipping ends tomorrow! Hope you all have a wonderful New Years!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Sewing has come to a halt!
My sister is visiting from California & has taken over my sewing room as her bedroom. I won't be sewing until probably next week.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
More Christmas diapers added!
There are now several mediums, a couple of larges & a small listed. :)
I have a couple more to sew up & then that's the end of them.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Before I forget!
I keep meaning to post this!
About a week or so ago, I ran out of Rockin Green cloth diaper detergent. Since I always prewash eveything, I had to use some Clean B Detergent. It is for cloth diapers, but the one I had was scented (milk & honey, I think) & my Rockin Green in unscented (Barenaked Babies?). The milk & honey was a rather strong scent, so I hope it didn't annoy anyone.
And I now have 2 bags of Rockin Green, so I'm all stocked up. :)
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Burp cloths...
I belong to an awesome online mom forum & one of the mom's makes handstamped jewelry. She asked if I'd like to do a trade & I quickly agreed. She asked if I could make decorative burp cloths to go with some breast pads. Since I had never made burp cloths, I looked up some tutorials online &, let me tell you- they are EASY to make!
After I made these, I was hooked & will definitely be making some to sell! :)

After I made these, I was hooked & will definitely be making some to sell! :)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
ALL holiday diapers on sale!
Including Christmas Oogas!
Unfortunately, I only have 1 Christmas Ooga made right now but feel free to stalk my store over the weekend- hoping to get more posted.
Imperfect but fully functional diaper posted- sale price!
Will try to post sale Halloween & Thanksgiving diapers later
As soon as I get some free time to take pictures!
These will NOT WILL include inserts.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Winner of the Christmas Ooga diaper!
Alesia Kristi Calderon!!!
Please email me at & tell me what size diaper you need & address.
Thanks so much everyone!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Free shipping continues!
You knew it was going to happen, right? ;) It's such a chore to go through every item & change the shipping so I'm just leaving it for December.
I have 5 diapers & 2 wetbags washing in my last bit of Rockin Green (sure hope I receive my order of it soon! Eek!) & will hopefully post them by tonight.
I have 5 diapers & 2 wetbags washing in my last bit of Rockin Green (sure hope I receive my order of it soon! Eek!) & will hopefully post them by tonight.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Aiming for 150 likers on my Facebook page
And I'll pick someone to receive a Christmas Ooga diaper!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Diapers, wet bags & coupon codes, OH MY!
Check out the new diapers I just posted, as well as the wet bags. 2 are imperfect, which totally bums me out. However, I have them listed @ a sale price. I am in love with that fabric, though!
I've also created my very 1st (drumroll please)... COUPON CODE! :) I've decided to give the option of not having a microfiber insert included with diaper purchase. If you have favorite ones that you prefer to use (or just have too many already, plain & simple), just enter "noinsert" at checkout (do not include the parentheses) for 15% off your purchase (before shipping). As I've never used coupon codes before with my shop, please message me if things don't go correctly. Also, please note that you CANNOT use this code if purchasing an All In One (AIO) diaper, since the insert is already sewn in.
I've also created my very 1st (drumroll please)... COUPON CODE! :) I've decided to give the option of not having a microfiber insert included with diaper purchase. If you have favorite ones that you prefer to use (or just have too many already, plain & simple), just enter "noinsert" at checkout (do not include the parentheses) for 15% off your purchase (before shipping). As I've never used coupon codes before with my shop, please message me if things don't go correctly. Also, please note that you CANNOT use this code if purchasing an All In One (AIO) diaper, since the insert is already sewn in.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
*happy sigh*
See this? This makes me happy- lots & lots of diapers that are ready to be sewn...
Just added a few new diapers to my shop!
And now I'm going to get to prepping & pinning more diapers so that I have a bunch ready to sew. I love having a pile of diapers ready & waiting to go- it makes sewing go so much faster. :)
Photographing your cutie patootie?
Planning on getting pictures taken of your kiddo for holiday cards? Cloth diapers look WAAAAAY cuter than disposables! Don't cloth diaper? No worries- just put a cloth diaper on over disposable (order a size larger, if needed).
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Slowly adding Christmas Ooga diapers!
Just have 2 made so far- hoping to put more up next week. Don't think I'll be doing much sewing until then. :)
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!!!
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!!!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Adding more Turkey diapers!
Just added a Large & a Small. Will be adding 2 more Larges & another Small once they are done drying! :)
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Since it's my Birthday...
I decided I was just going to veg out on the couch after the kidlets went to bed. And I did. However, I did remember to order more Aplix. Why, after I had just ordered some last month? Because I am awesome & didn't order enough! Once again, I am all out of it. Gah!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Not doing much sewing this week
Not only do I just not feel like sewing, today is Roman's 3rd Birthday & tomorrow's my Birthday. Plus it's a busy week around here & I have to get ready for Roman's party on Saturday.
Hoping to be a bit more motivated next week! :)
Hoping to be a bit more motivated next week! :)
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Looks like my shipment of Harvest Orange PUL will be delivered today! Eeeeee! :) Super excited to see this color in person- this is the 1st of the custom colors that the co-op I belong to is doing. Next up will be a blue (can't think of what it's named) & then Sugarplum!
Happy Saturday!
Happy Saturday!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Turkey diaper winner!
Erin Miller Gudge, you've won! Please email me at with the following info: size you'll need, if you want a pocket diaper or an AIO & your address. Thanks so much!
Keep checking back on my Facebook page- I'm aiming for another giveaway next week!
Keep checking back on my Facebook page- I'm aiming for another giveaway next week!
FYI: Winter Fling craft show
Any "past season" diapers that I still have (Halloween & Thanksgiving) will be on clearance at the Winter Fling! :)
*Gobble gobble*
I have 2 Mediums done that I'll be posting as soon as I'm done attempting to put Roman down for his nap (ha!)
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Novembrrrrrrrrrr Special!
In honor of my Birthday, Roman's Birthday AND the opening of the new Harry Potter movie (WOO HOO!), free shipping on everything! :)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Posted an "imperfect" diaper on my Etsy shop
$8 & free shipping!
All my diapers are prewashed in Rockin Green &, after it was washed, I noticed that a Medium spider diaper had a bit of washable (ha.) marker left on it. I mark the fabrics with the sizes as I cut out the fabric. This one apparently wanted to hang on to it! The area is a bit lightened from me trying to remove the marker. It's on the tab that does not have the tags & obviously doesn't interfere w/ the diaper's purpose.
All my diapers are prewashed in Rockin Green &, after it was washed, I noticed that a Medium spider diaper had a bit of washable (ha.) marker left on it. I mark the fabrics with the sizes as I cut out the fabric. This one apparently wanted to hang on to it! The area is a bit lightened from me trying to remove the marker. It's on the tab that does not have the tags & obviously doesn't interfere w/ the diaper's purpose.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
No more reviews/giveaways for the rest of the year...
I have several that I have committed myself to (you know who you are!) &, besides those, I have to work on cranking out diapers for the craft show in December. Why? Because it will take me that long to build up a good stash to take with me! :) So I will have to refuse any reviews/giveaways from here on out. I hope to take on more in 2011 (eww, I can't believe it's almost the end of the year!). :)
ALTHOUGH, I hope to get in at least one more giveaway of my own- either on here or on my Facebook page. Hmmmmm... It'll probably happen on my Facebook page, since I've neve done one on there before.
ALTHOUGH, I hope to get in at least one more giveaway of my own- either on here or on my Facebook page. Hmmmmm... It'll probably happen on my Facebook page, since I've neve done one on there before.
Aaaaaaand now I'm officially out of Aplix!
I posted the last 2 new diapers on my Etsy site & now I must wait for my aplix order to come in. So now I have to come up w/ something else to sew!
My husband has my sparkly new looking website up & running. Still needs a bit more tweaking (don't judge the misspelling & whatnot- my husband is awful @ that! Sorry, honey!). :P
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Please check out the new look of my website!
My husband decided to work on it the other night. It's not live yet (well, my current one is, just not the new look) but it should be soon. I have to say that I like it a lot better. So please take a look at it, as my husband informed me today that it makes him happy when he sees traffic going to it. ;)
Eeeee! New fabrics!
I seriously wasn't expecting any fabric when these lovelies showed up @ my door!!!
Aside from the dinosaur print, I only got a yard of each type (I *think*), so I'll definitely have very limited amounts of each to sell.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Michiganders (Michiganians?)!
I'll be doing a craft show in Ferndale on December 11th. I believe it runs from 11am-6pm. :) I had to apply for it & really didn't think I would get accepted- I honestly didn't think cloth diapers would be their "thing"!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Closing up shop for a few days
Our baby is having surgery in the morning. :( Any positive thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Been MIA
We had a death in the family last week so it has been a bit crazy around here- I FINALLY was able to clean our house today, which made me happy. Haven't been able to get much sewing done, although I made sure to do some last night. Just added a few more Halloween diapers onto my Etsy site! :)
Monday, September 27, 2010
My Etsy shop will be closed for a few days next week
Max is having hernia surgery on the 8th & I want to focus completely on him. I'm told it's a super common surgery but still. :/ I'll probably close it some time on the 7th & reopen over that weekend or following Monday.
Any & all positive thoughts are greatly appreciated!
Any & all positive thoughts are greatly appreciated!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Anyone want to sleep train my 5 month old???
Can I hire someone??? This has been terrible. My stomach knots up just thinking about putting Max to bed. And then continues to knot up even more as the night goes on. He used to go to sleep so easily- heck, I used to gush about it to anyone who would listen! However, I figured it was time to move him into his bedroom & into his crib. Sigh. And to stress me out even more is the fact that his room & Roman's share a wall so I'm constantly on edge that he'll wake Roman.
I know this will pass & it will become a distant memory but, man, it sucks right now! It has been taking sometimes 2 hours to get him to sleep. And then he wakes up soon after. Crazy kid needs to learn that that is my sewing time! Needless to say, there hasn't been much sewing going on. Oh & I have swimmers ear (and haven't even been swimming!) & have had a migraine.
Ok, vent over. ;)
I know this will pass & it will become a distant memory but, man, it sucks right now! It has been taking sometimes 2 hours to get him to sleep. And then he wakes up soon after. Crazy kid needs to learn that that is my sewing time! Needless to say, there hasn't been much sewing going on. Oh & I have swimmers ear (and haven't even been swimming!) & have had a migraine.
Ok, vent over. ;)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
The bats are slowly coming!
This week has had too much going on, so it's been hard to sew. Hoping to get more posted on my Etsy shop soon (hopefully more spiders, too!).
Sunday, September 19, 2010
CJ's BUTTer rave!
Received our order on Friday (ridiculously fast shipping!). Seriously, by Saturday morning, Max's ugly teething diaper rash looked SOOOOO much better. I mean, REALLY better! I'm definitely sold!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Anyone use CJ's BUTTer?
I just heard about it yesterday! Ordered a small tube to try out on Max- he has an ugly butt from teething.
I just heard about it yesterday! Ordered a small tube to try out on Max- he has an ugly butt from teething.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I have a very sad little boy :(
Max's 1st tooth is popping through & he is MISERABLE. Absolutely miserable. I can't put him down & he doesn't want to eat a lot. I don't see much sewing going on arond here for a while! I cannot wait to get his teething necklace from Inspired by Finn in the mail!!! Until then, it's teething tablets, infant acetaminophen, Sophie the giraffe & a frozen rag.
My poor little guy. :(
My poor little guy. :(
Monday, September 13, 2010
I am sort of in love with All in Ones
At least until something else catches my eye (ooh! Look! Something shiny!). I honestly have no idea why I didn't really make them before. And I love that they still have a pocket in the back so that they can be stuffed for added absorbancy.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
My confession for today...
I can only serge in a straight line.
And I can't turn corners.
One day. One day.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Why do I stay up so late?
And to make matters worse, my poor little Max seems to be miserable from teething. Poor kid had his hand stuffed in his mouth for the majority of the day. :(. I just ordered him an amber necklace from Inspired by Finn, since Roman's necklace broke. I've heard excellent things about the necklaces from them, so hopefully it does the trick.
REALLY hope I can get more sewing done soon- feel like I'm falling behind because of these busy weekends!
Off to bed- already way too late since Max has taken to waking up around 12:30 or so. Hope everyone has a great night!
And to make matters worse, my poor little Max seems to be miserable from teething. Poor kid had his hand stuffed in his mouth for the majority of the day. :(. I just ordered him an amber necklace from Inspired by Finn, since Roman's necklace broke. I've heard excellent things about the necklaces from them, so hopefully it does the trick.
REALLY hope I can get more sewing done soon- feel like I'm falling behind because of these busy weekends!
Off to bed- already way too late since Max has taken to waking up around 12:30 or so. Hope everyone has a great night!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
More Etsy awesomeness!
Roman just got this the other day & LOVES it because it matches the one I bought for my husband a while ago. :)
Roman just got this the other day & LOVES it because it matches the one I bought for my husband a while ago. :)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Ooh, ooh, an Ooga giveaway!
Ok, so I'm already thinking about Christmas presents. Why? Because it takes FOREVER for my family to get back to me with what they would like. So I have to start asking them months & months in advance. I plan to buy most of the presents off of Etsy.
Here's what I want from you: become a Follower on this blog AND leave a comment in this post (just so I know to pick from up-to-date Followers). What do I want you to leave as a comment? An Etsy shop that you have ordered from & love. I don't care what they sell- I just love discovering new shops & finding something that I can possibly order for someone (husband, child, sister, etc...).
What you'll get from me: an Ooga Booga pocket diaper in your choice of color & size (plus an insert). I have 2 different Ooga prints/colors (see above picture).
I'll give you till Midnight on September 4th to leave a comment (only 1 please) & I'll pick the winner on September 5th. :)
Soooooo... Become a Follower & leave an awesome Etsy shop in the comments!
Etsy Rave!
I try to order from Etsy as much as possible, so I thought I would share where I've bought from. :)
This is where I buy my little notecards from (which I need to order more of!):
The cards are always super cute! :)
This is where I buy my little notecards from (which I need to order more of!):
The cards are always super cute! :)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
I'm seeing another giveaway in the near future...
Perhaps something to do with the Ooga print...
Stay tuned.
P.S.- Looks like my Aplix order is really close to being here! :::thumbs up:::
Stay tuned.
P.S.- Looks like my Aplix order is really close to being here! :::thumbs up:::
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Well, I ran out of Aplix!
So I guess I'll have to focus on something other than diapers for a few days. I got an email that it shipped out today so I hope to get it soon. I've been a diaper-sewing fiend! Well, as much as one can be w/ 2 kids that like to take naps opposite one another. ;) And don't get me started on Roman's meltdowns lately! I guess he thinks that he needs to go for broke w/ the whole "terrible twos" while he still can.
Anyway, made 3 diapers today so I'll get them washed & photographed tomorrow.
Anyway, made 3 diapers today so I'll get them washed & photographed tomorrow.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
My DIY fabric should be here TOMORROW!!!
*fingers crossed*
I've been waiting soooooo very long for it & cannot wait to see it. What makes it even better is that my Mother in Law is taking BOTH kids tomorrow for a few hours so I can get some sewing done!!! Yay! Hopefully the fabrics come while she has them so I can start cutting them.
I've been waiting soooooo very long for it & cannot wait to see it. What makes it even better is that my Mother in Law is taking BOTH kids tomorrow for a few hours so I can get some sewing done!!! Yay! Hopefully the fabrics come while she has them so I can start cutting them.
And the winner of the wet bag is...
Sure, I could have gone the whole "randomly selected" on the computer, but I wanted to pick the name a fun way. :)
Roman picking
Pretending he can read it :)
Please email me at beebersbutts @ (remove the spaces). Let me know if you want a boy, girl or gender neutral bag. Also, let me know if you have any color preferences.
And I'll need your full name & address.
Thanks! :)
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Changed my mind about the giveaway ;)
I'll post who got the wet bag tomorrow morning but I'm not going to give away the imperfect bag- I'm going to custom make one. So the person I pick will just give me a little info: boy/girl/gender neutral. Maybe even what colors you like! And I'll take it from there...
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Imperfect wet bag giveaway
Argh! I made a wet bag this evening that was super cute & I was excited about it... only to realize that the outer cotton fabric was imperfect. You know how sometimes the end of fabric has little holes that look like punches all along the edge? Yeah... So I can't sell it, but obviously it's still functional since the PUL (the waterproof inner) is fully intact.
So anyway, become an official Follower of this blog & I'll randomly pick someone this coming Saturday.
And keep an eye out for another giveaway later this month (same thing, but w/ a wet bag that is free of little hole punches!).
So anyway, become an official Follower of this blog & I'll randomly pick someone this coming Saturday.
And keep an eye out for another giveaway later this month (same thing, but w/ a wet bag that is free of little hole punches!).
Sunday, August 1, 2010
I conquered the zipper!!!
Ok, well, maybe 'conquer' isn't the right word. ;)
But I officially made my 1st wetbag tonight.
I made an oops on the left side- as I was turning everythig right side out, I tore right through the seam on that side (Doh!). Luckily this was only a practice one so I didn't worry about it being perfect or anything.

It was a bit slowgoing, as I kept checking & rechecking things, but I think the process will move rather quickly once I've made a few.
Review on Moma
I must give a huge "THANK YOU!!!" to Jessie because she totally took my spaciness (spaceyness?) & slowness in stride! :) Check her blog out- it's pretty awesome!
I must give a huge "THANK YOU!!!" to Jessie because she totally took my spaciness (spaceyness?) & slowness in stride! :) Check her blog out- it's pretty awesome!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Eeeeeeee!!! :)
I was just going through everything I've ordered through the co-op this year & I'm super excited! Now if it would all get here! It's such a slooooooow process going through a co-op, but you get such neat things. I just paid for shipping on the April/May DIY, so I hope I get that semi-soon. I believe it includes some Oogas prints & vintage cars (the co-op leader sent out several DIYs close together so I'm not sure what went with what). I can't wait! I also just paid for some Harvest Orange PUL but that takes several months to get since it is a custom color. Just ordered another custom color today- Deep Ocean. Got a bunch so I can make diaper pail liners with it. Probably won't get that till next year, though.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Hi, my name is Stefanie...
and I have fabric ADD.
I just finished pinning a ton of diapers to sew & prepped a bunch more (sewed on belly Aplix & back elastic). Suddenly, I decided that I needed to pull out the DIY'd Halloween fabric because, you know, I'm slow & it will take me forever to get to it. At least it's out & ready to be cut! :)

I just finished pinning a ton of diapers to sew & prepped a bunch more (sewed on belly Aplix & back elastic). Suddenly, I decided that I needed to pull out the DIY'd Halloween fabric because, you know, I'm slow & it will take me forever to get to it. At least it's out & ready to be cut! :)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
A diaper pail liner in "action"!
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